Ms Austin- Burdett writes:

Meet Shelby, Jordan and Zain in Y9, who have been creating interesting woven and spliced self-portraits in Photography this week.

Ana , Anastasia and Zeinab in Y7 proudly displaying their Fourth Plinth clay maquettes. These will be entered into the Mayor of London's Schools Competition! Well done girls. We hope you will be successful.


Ms Austin-Burdett is proud to be the leader of the Visual Arts Team.
“I decided to work at this school because it works with a diverse community and is a vibrant and creative place, the Arts are respected and are a vital part of the curriculum at Deptford Green and I am passionate about all students getting a great arts education. The Visual Arts team is a hardworking and creative group and we have lots to teach the wonderful students in our classes. I am looking forward to seeing all the amazing work our students will be crating being celebrated in the Art Exhibitions and showcases on the schedule!”

Visual Arts News
There will be a Y8 trip for all the students whose work was selected for the Zine display to see the Zine exhibition at the Wellcome Trust in June. Here are some great examples of the Zine work Y8 created:

There is a very exciting trip for a selection of Y10 students to see the Electric Dreams exhibition at the Tate Modern in May.
As part of the fabulous Discovery Day programme, Y9 Photography will be visiting Christ The King 6th Form to use their darkroom and digital editing facilities in June, and meet the students studying Photography there.
Some of our Y8 students recently visited the ATP art studios in Deptford Creek recently (there was a feature on this in the last newsletter) and spoke to the artists and makers there about what they do and how they make a living from it.
Alongside all this, we have a great new display about Creative Careers and where studying Visual Art can take you! I hope this has inspired many of our students to think about focusing on a creative career. We also have an inspiring new display of female artists and creatives to celebrate International Women’s Day too in our foyer.
One of these features work inspired by Deborah Roberts, an American artist whose figurative works depict the complexity of Black subjecthood and explore themes of race, identity and gender politics.

To find out more about the huge range of amazing careers you can get into through the visual arts please look here.

In Art, Textiles and Photography lessons, our students learn how to acquire and develop practical skills that they can use to develop visual ideas inspired by the work of a range of diverse artists using effective visual language.
We set our students homework to help them develop and deepen these skills independently. Please check Classcharts regularly to see what your child has been set and if you can, please ensure they complete the work to the best of their ability.

Y7 are currently learning about an art movement called Dada and exploring how to make interesting and intriguing work using collage.

Y8 are exploring architecture and will be designing and making their own buildings. Y9 are participating in Discovery Days and those that have chosen Art, Photography and/or Textiles are now working on projects exploring the developing of ideas and work around the theme of Identity.
Y11 Art, Textiles and Photography students are working on their exam unit and will sit their final exams at the end of April.

Y11 GCSE Photography students will sit their exams on Friday 25th and Monday 28th of April, and Art and Textiles students will sit theirs on Wednesday 30th April and Thursday May 1st. These exams are vitally important, and students need to act on the feedback on their books and use their checklists to ensure all the work they need to have done is completed to the highest possible standard.
Y10 students are working on projects that help them to develop and deepen their creative skills and they have the Y10 exams in June. We look forward to seeing the GREAT outcomes we know they will produce and will have a celebratory exhibition of their work. Students do need specialist materials to ensure their sketchbooks and final outcomes are well made. If you haven’t yet done so, you can order an art pack through ParentPay.
We have an exciting new programme coming soon 'Creative Champions'. Watch this space for news about who they are and what they are up to!!
We run a variety of clubs and your child can improve their creative skills and enjoy spending time making fantastic things at 3D club on Mondays, Creativity Club on Tuesdays and Clay Club on Thursdays. Attending Visual Arts clubs is a rewarding way to spend time focusing on developing creative skills and skills that support wider learning and progress, such as problem solving, creativity, team work, resilience and critical thinking skills, as well as strengthening hand-to-eye co-ordination and the ability to stay focused, all skills that employers and universities are looking for in applicants!

Students attending Art Club created a fantastic mural and Silvia in Y9 worked really hard on this and ensured the final outcome was a great success. Well done Silvia!! It is up in the wall near the cafeteria so every student can admire it.

Competitions and Awards

We are super proud of our Y7 students who worked hard to design clay sculptures for the 4th Plinth. We will be entering the best work into the Mayor of London’s 4th Plinth Schools Prize, and we have also entered some students' work into the competition to have their work exhibited at the Royal Academy too. Next up will be the Portrait Competition in the summer term. We hope lots of students will enter for the chance to win a tutorial from a working portrait artist and make a fabulous portrait.
Thanks Ms Austin-Burdett for all this wonderful and creative news!