'Let us come together to champion the cause of representation, to uplift and amplify the voices of young black women and to celebrate the beauty of their natural hair. Let us create a world where every individual, regardless of their race or gender, feels seen, heard, and valued. Only then can we truly embrace the richness of our diverse society and unlock the limitless potential that lies within us all.'
This beautiful and on-point statement was written by Leyla Y11

Thank you to Ms Thurston for all these amazing photos and to Ms Joauvel for the last photo.
We had an amazing turnout for our Cultural Evening on Thursday 19th October and we want to thank everyone for coming and supporting the event. The workshops were really well attended and people certainly seemed to be enjoying themselves! Look out in our next edition for a full report and lots of photos! After the workshops, Mr Paish who had organised the event with help from many others, introduced some singers, some dancers and finally the Cultural Catwalk organised by Ms Williams. ALL the students who took part were OUTSTANDING and we thank everyone involved. We truly are proud of our students!
We want to say a special thanks to all our
who helped set up and run the bar & refreshments area on the night. Such amazing support and commitment. Thank you all!
Our guest speaker on the night was a very special Deptford Green Alumni Abiola Kasim. Abi was at Deptford Green from 2007 - 2013 (we had a sixth form at that time).

Abi talked about her experience of being a student at DG. Whilst she was here Abi got involved in lots of extra-curricular clubs and schemes that school offered and she encouraged our current students to do the same. She joined Police Cadets and indeed, continued coming to Cadets after she had left us. She encouraged our year 11's to concentrate on what post 16 choices they make as this does affect their future. (Y11's remember to talk with Ms Nembhard if you are not sure or worried about any of this).
She encouraged everyone to explore all their 'sides' - their creative side, their business side as well as their academic side, and to remember that the world is their oyster. There is a big wide world outside SE London! Experiment. Believe in yourself! BE THE DREAM.
Abi said that by believing in herself she has got into modelling even though she is 5ft 6" and not the normal height that is usually required. To do this she said she had needed a strong mindset and determination, but Abi is proof that if you set your mind to something, YOU CAN DO IT. Abi truly is living her dream! She is currently on the shores of Lake Como in Italy on a modelling shoot and she has been on the London and Paris Catwalk!
We have asked Abi to take part in an interview when she is back in the country and has time and hopefully will have one in a future edition.
Thank you Abi for sharing your story and success with us. WE ARE SO VERY PROUD OF YOU!

Lots of our students came dressed in clothes from their culture. Check out some of them here as they came into the library. We think you will agree with us, they look stunning! We are very privileged to have so many countries and cultures represented in our school and be so diverse.


On Friday morning, Ms Joauvel and the year 11 Student Council leads were interviewing students for a place on the Student Council. We will let you know how they get on in the next edition. Thanks Ms Joauvel...

Khyrn: Today Yussuf and I are interviewing newly appointed school captain Dante. Good morning Dante.
Dante: Good morning
Yussuf: The first question we have for you is, what motivated you to apply for school captain?
Dante: It is an amazing opportunity to showcase skills you wouldn’t necessarily be able to purely from academic activities. For example, leadership. It was also an opportunity to stand out when applying for Sixth Forms, an accomplishment which may put me above other candidates and the black tie is a big plus!
Khyrn: What is your role as school captain and what does it entail?
Dante: I’m the school captain of Enrichment, meaning I’m involved with all the extracurricular activities which go on around the school. I aim to put students’ opinions into such activities and use them to learn how we can improve on them. I also help organise and run events. For example our recent Yr11 Careers Fair which was a big success.
Yussuf: What challenges did you face whilst applying and how did you overcome them?
Dante: One of the challenges I faced was engaging with people who I didn’t already know or had no prior experience of. I had to step out of my comfort zone in order to interact with a variety of students and that was whilst other candidates were trying to gain votes themselves. I tried to articulate myself as best as I could and I overcame these challenges by being confident and having full trust in my words. The more I did it, the more I gained confidence to do it again.
Khyrn: What ideas do you have for your projects and how do you plan on implementing them?
Dante: One of my ideas is to increase competitions and competitiveness within the school. I believe there is a negative light surrounding competitions. For example if there are students who excel at Maths, engaging them in competitions may provide them with a different aspect to their learning. I believe increasing competitions could help improve engagement and provide students with opportunities to find their passion or certainly nurture them.
Yussuf: What do you aim to change in the school as captain?
D: I think our school is quite fortunate as there is already a vast range of extra-curricular clubs. I want to make sure it is maintained and try to get an understanding of what improvements or changes could be made to make it even better. I would like to get input from students as well as to what type of clubs they would like to see introduced, I want to push students to try and engage in clubs so they can gain transferrable skills such as teamwork, which they can take forward with them their whole lives.
Khyrn: As a school captain, what legacy do you plan on leaving behind?
Dante: Again, I believe that competition, if used in a positive manner, can be a useful tool in helping others succeed. My friends and I often try to see who can solve a problem the fastest and it pushes you to take the extra step to achieve. Competition allows students to challenge themselves. It helps the school but most importantly it helps you help yourself and the experience is something we can all take with us.
Yussuf: What hobbies do you have outside of school?
D: I enjoy playing football and a range of sports. I particularly enjoy reading and I love to go out with my friends and explore.
Khyrn & Yussuf: Thank you Dante for giving us this interview.
Dante: You're welcome!
Goldsmith CCA's education group visited Deptford Green last Wednesday to introduce a select group of year 9 art students to their new exhibition, which is in collaboration with the Karrabing, an Aboriginal film collective based in Australia.

The group of students took part in the first of two workshops which focussed on storytelling and climate change, using Aboriginal symbols to help create their own narratives of these themes. Working collaboratively, the students used film cameras to create and take instant pictures of their narratives, sharing their ideas with one another. We are excited to head to Goldsmiths CCA's exhibition space in November for the second half of the workshops where students will engage more with the Karrabing's work and develop their storytelling further.

Watch this space for more images!
Thank you Ms Greenhalgh

Our GCSE photography students visited Deptford Market to gather first-hand inspiration and stimulus for their project entitled 'Lock'. They used the manual settings on the camera and explored depth of field, light manipulation and composition to high levels.

Year 7 artists have been inspired by the abstract artwork of artist Julie Mehretu
On Thursday 12th October, over 50 Year 10 students were joined by representatives from nine Law firms for DG Law Conference, in partnership with Lewisham Council.

The event provided an opportunity for Year 10s to hone their networking skills, meeting people in a variety of roles at all levels from paralegal, business development professionals to senior partners and to explore how their learning and extra-curricular activities link to their next steps and future careers. Students demonstrated resilience and communication skills and learned more about roles they had not considered previously.
Farrah, community relations officer Housing and Communities at Lewisham Council and a Deptford Green parent commented:
‘Lewisham council staff enjoyed holding the Law careers event at Deptford Green School. Both students and attendees from law firms had an opportunity to learn new things from one another and many misconceptions of law created by movies and media were erased. We hope to hold more events with these great young people in the future!’
Ruwaida Y10 said:
'One thing I loved about the conference was the different ways people get into law and how if you try your hardest, you should get where you want. In school, if you try your very best to get good grades - but not to the point of insanity! - you CAN get there. One lady told us how she loved to sing, was a singer and did a music degree but she chose to switch her degree and has now become a solicitor which tells me that with a strong mindset we can all make things happen'. Thank you Ruwaida for this...

During the Y11 Post-16 options evening, many of our students enjoyed meeting a Deptford Green ex-student who is now a coach on the Volenti Football Programme at LNS 6th Form.
This is a reminder that if you are interested in a football training programme linked to a sixth form, please contact them beforehand. For more information click HERE

Four members of our Equality Ambassador team attended the Civic Suite in Lewisham on Monday 9th October to talk about their excellent work achieving the Halo Code. Deptford Green is a Halo School and this means that we adopt the Halo Code. The Halo Code is a campaign pledge, signed by schools and businesses, that promises members of the Black community that they have the ‘freedom and security to wear all afro-hairstyles without restriction or judgement’. This includes any child who wishes to wear their hair however they choose to in school. At Deptford Green we fully adopt the code. Our principle is ‘My Hair, My Rules’. By adopting this code, we are demonstrating our commitment to a world free from discrimination, where all Black members of our community have their identities fully recognised and celebrated.
Young people should be able to move into the next stages of their lives, in college and employment, feeling confident in the people that they are, celebrating their identities and their place in the world. Able to challenge discrimination and prejudice in all its forms.
Some quotes from the Equality Ambassadors who attended the event:
Micha Y9: ‘The Halo code is important to me because I can style my hair however I want it to be and if someone does judge me for it, I don’t care and it means they are in the wrong’.
Ella Y9: ‘The Halo code is important to me because it means that I am allowed to be proud of my natural hair no matter how big or curly it is’.
Ky-Mani Y9: ‘The Halo code is important to me because it means freedom and equality for all as well as letting people express themselves and their identity’.
Queen Y9: ‘Being in a school that has the HALO code is really important for lots of different reasons, a big one is because it takes our voice as young people seriously. It proves that our school cares about us and about the people that we will become. The Halo code is important to me because I like to step outside of my comfort zone and I enjoy the freedom that I won’t be judged because of the way that I choose to style my hair and my identity. Also, I will have a lot of nice and empowering stories to tell my future children about how they can also express themselves how they want to and they never have to hide’.
Thank you Mr Paish.
There was a small but very successful Open Mic in the Music Room and Mr Hill says there were some amazing performances. Take a look below at some of the musicians taking part. Well done to all of them - it's no easy thing to sit and perform in front of your family, teachers and peers (especially your peers!)


In a thrilling face-off against Thomas More School, our team emerged victorious with a stunning 6-4 win!
Zayon showcased his scoring prowess with an impressive five goals, displaying top-notch skills on the field. Not to be overshadowed, Jordan and Akai delivered outstanding performances, contributing significantly to our team's triumph. A match filled with exhilarating moments and stellar teamwork, securing a memorable victory for our side.
Well done Y8 and thank you Mr George!


To see the PPE Timetable click HERE
To see our revision strategies click HERE

Year 9 students will be competing in GCHQ’s National Language Competition in teams to solve language-based puzzles to score points, competing for the top spot on a live leaderboard. They will be doing this in some lessons and then during free time if they want to e.g. form time, break, lunch, before/after school or even at home. It's an opportunity for students to show their language and puzzle-solving skills, win a certificate and even a chance to visit GCHQ and be awarded the NLC trophy!
WHEN? Monday 6 November to Friday 10 November 2023 - winners announced the following Monday!
See Ms Calvert for more detailed instructions on how to take part.


- Visit the Southbank Centre - Click HERE
- Visit the Horniman Museum - Click HERE
- Visit London - Click HERE
- Clubhub - Click HERE
- Lewisham Homes Activities - Click HERE
- Wildlife Watch - Click HERE
- Data Thistle Activities near you - Click HERE
- Lewisham Card - Click HERE
- Greenwich The Resident - Click HERE
- Places To Go Lewisham - Click HERE
- Activities for SEND Families - Click HERE
- Royal Museums Greenwich - Click HERE
- Day Out with the Kids - Click HERE
- Which Cheap & Free things to do over the holiday - Click HERE
These are only some suggestions - we have not investigated them fully but we hope you might find something here that is useful! Enjoy...

Just a gentle reminder that a shout out has gone out for volunteers to join our PTA. If you are interested PLEASE do get on board now. Here is the form to complete click HERE
We are about to organise our first PTA led event - a Family Friendly Movie Night on Friday 24th November. Tickets will be available shortly and I will put the link on the website and in the next newsletter. We need volunteers to help plan and arrange that plus help on the night – options to put yourself forward for that is also in the form.
Lastly, if you would like to talk to Paula Flack who is our acting chair and who has had extensive experience of helping run a PTA and who has already helped us so much in our actions so far, please do email her on:
Thank you all!

If you or someone you know needs any support during the school holidays, there are a range of different services available to you. Please contact one of the following support services who can give you more advice and guidance during school closure.
If you or somebody else is in danger, or it feels like a situation might get dangerous and you need support right away, contact the police on 999.

Childline is a free, private and confidential service that you can access both online and on the phone. They can provide help and support for people up to their 19th birthday. Call free on 0800 1111 or Log in for a 1-2-1 counsellor chat: click HERE
You can access confidential emotional support at any time from Samaritans either by calling 116 123 or email: jo@samaritans.org
Chat to a friendly counsellor, read articles written by young people, get free, safe, and anonymous online counselling support. Click HERE
24/7 text service, free on all major mobile networks, for anyone in crisis anytime, anywhere. It’s a place to go if you’re struggling to cope and you need immediate help. Text 85258.
CEOP help children stay safe online. If anybody acts inappropriately towards you or another child or young person online (such as sexual chat or being asked to do something that makes you feel uncomfortable), you can report it here.
Mental health services are free on the NHS. To get urgent medical help, use the NHS 111 online service, or call 111 if you’re unable to get help online. Only available in mainland UK. For life-threatening emergencies, call 999 for an ambulance.
If you're worried about a child or young person, you can contact the NSPCC Helpline for support and advice for free - call on 0808 800 5000.
YoungMinds - click HERE has information for both young people and their parents. They also have a parents help line which is open Monday to Friday 9.30am-4pm on 0808 802 5544 (free for mobiles and landlines) as well as an email address: parents@youngminds.org.uk They aim to respond to queries within 3 working days.

Young people can also use a series of strategies to help manage how they are feeling:

- TALK TO A FRIEND/PARENTS/SOMEONE YOU TRUST about how you feel. Expressing how you feel can take a weight off your mind
- WRITING DOWN HOW YOU ARE FEELING (even if you rip it up afterwards). Drawing or painting how you feel can be equally beneficial
- USE DISTRACTION TECHNIQUES - Watch something funny, read something you enjoy, listen to music, use a colouring book, complete puzzles.
- CREATE A SPECIAL BOX – put in here photos or items which are important to you or that have good memories attached. You can also include things that comfort you like your favourite food or add in a stress ball. During times you are feeling a little better, you could write yourself a letter about all the strengths you have in your life at the moment to remind you during times when things are more difficult
- TRY NOT TO ISOLATE YOURSELF, even if you feel like being on your own in your room; push yourself to be around other people.
- LOOK AFTER YOURSELF: Sleep well and keep up a steady diet. These things can help provide a little boost to your mood. The internet can be a helpful resource for sleep hygiene and balanced diet advice
- KEEP SOME STRUCTURE AND ROUTINE, challenge yourself to do activities around the house
If you or your family have concerns that you are no longer able to keep yourself safe, go to your local A&E or call an ambulance in an emergency.
Thanks Ms Stanghon

If your child attends a school supported by Place2Be, you can access free resources and services as part of our mental health support for the whole school.

Place2Be is an AMAZING service that we are lucky to have in our school.
Check out all these resources that you can access. Click HERE