GCSE Results day is on THURSDAY 24TH AUGUST. We wish you the very best with it and in the meantime, we wish you an enjoyable, fun summer.
A few reminders, ahead of results day:
- If you will not be around to pick up your results and enrol in your sixth form or college of choice, make sure you have a plan in place or talk to us.
- If you have any questions about enrolment or need support to enrol or your results are not what you expected or you missed out on your place, please talk to Ms Nembhard on 0208 469 4896 or email on
- Alternatively, you can attend the advice drop-in on Thursday 24 August 11am – 3pm at the Civic Suite 1 Catford Road, SE6 4RU
You are not just an ex-Deptford Green students, you will always be a GREAT DG student so become a part of our Alumni community and stay in touch by signing up: click HERE

Before you go:
Complete the intended destination survey form: click HERE or use the QR Code

• We have a duty to stay in touch with you and ensure that you all have a destination for September
• We might need to contact you regarding your results
If you have any questions or need help with enrolment, contact Ms Nembhard: or on 0208 469 4896


HOCHTIEF-MURPHY Joint Venture invited Deptford Green students to London Power Tunnels site to learn about different roles within the engineering sector.
London Power Tunnels is an enormous infrastructure project currently building 32 kms of tunnels under South London, from Wimbledon to Bexley, to lay the electricity cables powering where we live, work and play.
Year 8 girls met with women working at National Grid and HMJV to learn about their job and all had excellent questions about the volunteers’ career journeys and what they enjoyed about their roles.
The girls also took part in a fun, problem-solving activity focusing on teamwork, communication and resilience, all skills needed in the construction industry. Then, using virtual reality headsets, they were able to experience being in a tunnel and act out an emergency response.

“Using the VR felt so real, I was a bit scared at the start, but I managed to stay calm and do all the steps needed to get out of the tunnel alive! I liked talking to the volunteers as well and seeing how what we do at school can help us get a good job”
We want to thank Megan from HMJV for her continuing support and Esmee and Georgia at The Construction Youth Trust for facilitating the visit. We look forward to visiting again soon.
'International Women in Engineering Day' celebrates the achievements of women engineers breaking barriers everywhere and challenges biases for a future where every aspiring engineer, regardless of gender, has an equal opportunity to thrive.


My Tech Journey BY Tolúlọpẹ́ Ògúnrẹ̀mí
How can learning languages and enjoying Maths lead to a career in Computer Science? How can we ensure we develop Artificial Intelligence in an ethical way?
These were some of the questions that Year 8 students were asked to think about when they met Tolúlọpẹ́ Ògúnrẹ̀mí, founder of Coders of Colour an organisation that teaches young people to code.
A Londoner, Tolúlọpẹ́ is currently conducting research in computer science at Stanford University in California USA, specifically looking at natural language processing.
She encouraged Year 8 students to continue learning languages and enjoying Maths, start coding and be curious about the world around them.

Thank you Tolúlọpẹ́ for visiting Deptford Green.
Green Jobs: Could your career help protect the environment? Check some ‘Green Jobs’ click HERE
Careers in Advertising - check out the IPA's super helpful resources for young people to learn about careers in advertising - click HERE
Careers in Publishing - Publishers Association have pulled together some great job profiles for the book industry - click HERE

FREE things to do to connect with your creativity and boost your CV and network

The Young Animator of the Year UK competition is for animators aged 11-18 from all across the UK, and the 2023 competition is now open!
This is a great opportunity for talented young animators to showcase their stop-motion, 2D or 3D animation skills and compete for prizes, including tours of world-famous Aardman Animations in Bristol and Blue Zoo Animation Studio in London.
Winning films will be announced and premiered at a special awards ceremony in November at Manchester Animation Festival - the UK's biggest animation festival!
Click HERE for more details and how to enter


Welcome to Shoebox Theatre 2023!
This year, for the very first time, we are launching Shoebox Theatre as an International Competition.
Competition Start Date: Tuesday 25th April 2023
Competition Closes: Friday 8th September
Submission date extended! Click HERE for more details

Examples of Summer Free activities. Get involved, #BEGREAT! Learn new skills, expand your network.

We are very proud of Naomi in Year 10 who has gained a place on the Imperial STEM summer school residential. Well done!
If, like Naomi, you want to gain new skills, have something to add to your CV and push yourself out of your comfort zone, there are plenty of free activities you can sign up to.
For example:
Our friends at Clifford Chance Law Firm are inviting young people who will be entering years 9, 10, 11 and 12 to a free virtual summer school this summer.
Each week from 31 July, two speakers will talk about an industry and set a project. Young people will then complete the project to develop their skills and to win various exciting prizes.
The speakers cover a broad range of STEM and Arts subjects including the following:
- SPACE: A representative from Amazon will be discussing space exploration. The competition will be to consider what experiments could usefully be done in space.
Prize will be a conversation with the team designing experiments for the International Space Station.
- NOVELIST: An award-winning novelist will talk about the creative process of writing. The competition will be to write a few engaging paragraphs.
Prize will be books donated by Merky the publishing company set up by Stormzy and Penguin Random House UK
- ECOLOGY: A zoologist at London Zoo will talk about ecology. The competition will be to design an ecologically friendly enclosure.
Prize will be tickets to London Zoo.
You will also meet a fashion designer, an engineer who worked at Porsche, a football commentator, a healthcare professional and a cartoonist and more. (See below)

If you prefer a short, face to face activity, why not go to the Young Creative Careers Day at Downham Library on Saturday 5th August. Meet with successful professionals in TV, film, game design, publishing, and more. Click HERE to book your spot.
Watch this video on how to showcase your work with Xello portfolios - click HERE
Click HERE to learn how to access Xello from home (previous newsletter)

31st July -2nd August at the Maritime Museum in Greenwich:

3 DAY CREATIVE EXTRAVAGANZA at Royal Museums Greenwich, working with architectural educators MATT+FIONA. You will produce creative responses to the objects and stories within the collection at the National Maritime Museum and get a unique insight into the world of the museum, architecture, and design, and literally shaping space! Outstanding for your CV's and definitely something WOW! to add to Xello!
Click HERE to find out more and sign up!

For girls Y7 to Y11, from July through to the end of August BelEve are running free social meetups, career insight days, and programme taster sessions, as well as mentoring opportunities, online programmes, and workshops. Escape room trips, Careers Insight Days from Beauty to Banking and more….see schedule and sign up HERE


Read all about how Teo has advanced since leaving DG...
SIXTH FORM: Royal Greenwixh BTEC Engineering
UNIVERSITY: Ravensbourne University London BA Product Design
BEST MEMORIES /FAVOURITE THINGS @ DG: Music and D&T. I looked forward to days that had those lessons in them. Would not survive the week without them.
MOST CHALLENGING MOMENTS AT SCHOOL? Discovering a reason to stay in education. I wanted to do something I love so work wouldn't feel like working. I had failed D&T for my GCSE's when all my mocks were A/A*. I knew that design/engineering was my calling but I didn't feel confident in my abilities after my bad grades. I had to discover that my grades don't define me. Not in school or at uni. The only goal that matters is being one step ahead of where I was yesterday!
WHICH QUALIFICATIONS DID YOU STUDY AFTER DG AND WHERE? I went into sixth form at the Royal Greenwich Trust school but at the time it was Royal Greenwich UTC. I studied BTEC Extended Diploma (often times seen as a lesser qualification) in Engineering which gave me the qualifications to go to any uni that recognises it.
WHAT DO YOU DO NOW? I'm a Junior Designer at a Digital creative studio called Action Rocket. I get to work with big brands such as Nespresso, Pizza Express and Pokemon. No two days are the same which is probably the most important thing for me!
WHAT ADVICE WOULD YOU GIVE TO SOMEONE WHO WANTS TO STUDY THE SAME THING AS YOU OR WORK IN THE SAME FIELD? If you have a passion or want to get into a creative field you have to find a process. This can take a long time but one thing remains. Trust that you can do anything you put your will into. Trust the process.
Learn about the things you like and what interests you. That can be video games, sports, fashion, social media, you name it! Somebody designed it.
If money motivates you, there's A LOT of money in design. If drawing. making, animating excites you? You can do that and provide for your family.
My mother immigrated to England and trying to convince her about my goals to pursue design was difficult but when she understood my process and where it could take me, she was very supportive.
WHAT ADVICE WOULD YOU GIVE TO YOUR 15 YEAR OLD SELF? Not everyone will like you. And that's ok. The only opinion of yourself that matters is your own.
Web: Twitter: Futurefirstorg Instagram: Futurefirstorg
Facebook: futurefirst
Thank you Teo - we look forward to seeing you soon!
We are incredibly proud of our Alumni and it is an absolute joy to see how they continue to grow and build on their skills, passion and achievements.
From the Class of 2018, we would like to congratulate:
- Keeleigh-graduating from The Bartlett School of Architecture at UCL with a First Class Honours degree in Architecture. See some of Keeleigh's work HERE
- David- graduating from Central St Martins with a degree in Graphic Communication Design - click HERE to see some of David's Work
- Peter- graduating from The University of Liverpool with a 1st class honours degree in Economics
We are so happy for you and looking forward to you visiting us in school soon.
If you attended Deptford Green, become a part of our Alumni community, and stay in touch by clicking HERE