Our Week Of Wonderful has/is taking place from on 24th April – Fri 5th May. Teachers have been going into one another’s lessons, being 'WOWed' by each other's creative, dynamic and engaging practices. Take a look at what's been going on in different classrooms...

Thanks for all the great work you are doing Ms Tran and for giving us a snapshot of all the 'wow' things going on everyday @DG! And of course to all our hardworking teachers. Truly WOW!


On Monday 24th April, some Y8 pupils were involved in the final presentations for 'First Give'. First Give is an organisation that works with secondary schools to promote social action and awareness in relation to charitable organisations.
Y8 have been working on this project in their PSHE lessons for the past 10 weeks. Each class selected a local charity to support. They had to raise awareness through fundraising and social action both inside and outside of school.
On Monday, a selected group from each class, presented to a panel of judges which included: Ms Thurston, two school governors, a student judge and The Young Mayor of Lewisham. The judges were incredibly impressed by the hard work and the ability to stand and present with confidence of each group.
A special award for outstanding contribution went to Thomas for his creative quiz and role play in his presentation for local charity, Bench.
However, the winning group, representing AFRIL (a local refugee charity), was JoJo,, Jeriola, Ky-mani, Micha and Jabril. Their support and interaction with the charity along with their presentational skills and an emotive poem about the plight of refugees by Jabril, won them the £1000 cheque which will be give to AFRIL to enable them to continue in their tireless work to support refugees in Lewisham.
To learn more about AFRIL, click HERE

Read Jabril's moving poem:
Refugees, refugees oh the misery, fleeing persecution and war not to get caught day and night they run for the lives with their family's with nothing to get by.
As they cry day and night for their lost sister but they don’t have time they have to run quicker it's just too hard for them to believe to distance it from reality and just make believe, dying from diseases no one caring for their pleading.
Humans have betrayed humans again and again a repetition that never ends, with nothing left for them to turn back to but just a broken house, a broken home, a broken family and nowhere to go to.
Thank you Jabril - this is spot on and very empathetic!


World Book Night was on Sunday 23rd April and to celebrate, students from Deptford Green School and writers from the Deptford Multicultural Writers Group had a World Book Evening celebration on 20th April hosted at the Deptford Lounge.
The students presented their Park Life Project (which has been running at Deptford Green for 18 months funded and led by Goldsmiths University MA students and Dr Francis Gilbert) and encouraged the adult participants to recall their favourite park memories and to pledge to protect park spaces in the future. The rest of the evening was a sharing of poetry and writing celebrating the process of growing older and wiser.
It was a GREAT community event with talented, inspirational people of all ages.

Some of our wonderful parents came out to support our participants too!
Thank you Ms Player and a huge well done for all our committed and amazing students who have taken part.


Click HERE to see Phoebe's (Y10) FANTASTIC photography portfolio on Matt Wisniewski. Very impressive Phoebe!

Made in 2008, 'Let the Right One In' is on the surface a film about friendship and romance between a lonely Swedish boy and a vampire who moves into his suburb on the edges of Stockholm.
However, the film explores a deeper theme: the outsider, the immigrant, and all the stereotypes placed on immigrants struggling to integrate into new cultures. The vampire is used as a clever metaphor for the outsider. Eli, the vampire asks her new friend Oskar to ‘be me a little’ and to throw out the stereotypes and replace them with empathy.
Students in Year 10 Film Studies always find this metaphor brings out a new layer to the film, which enriches both the enjoyment of the film and their own attitudes to refugees and immigrants.
Thank you Mr Watts...


Y10s in learning about Spanish Festivals, tried out the unique Spanish tradition of El Colacho where a man dressed as a devil jumps over babies to bring them luck. It's harder than it looks!

During their Mingalaba Languages in Football day, Y9 students wrote a match report on a real or imaginary football game entirely in French or Spanish and they produced some amazing work! Fantastic language work! Well done to everyone involved!
Thank you Ms Calvert!


Y11's worked really hard in their Drop Down sessions this week. The Humanities Department worked together as a team so that our students got as much out of the sessions as possible.

Our Y11 outcome of the day was that the Cayman Islands do not require another cargo port to be built!

Our y10 students have been exceptional on their geographical fieldwork. Their behaviour was the best I have experienced and not a single warning had to be given over the three fieldworks which involved 108 learners. The three days taught me that our learners are able to challenge themselves independently and all have a passion for learning.
Thanks Mr Stamp... They all look like they are enjoying the work!


This event, held on Wednesday the 26th April, was a forum for non-English speaking parents and carers to get up-to-date information about school life, news, successes, and any other relevant topics that needed to be shared.
The meeting was an excellent opportunity for parents to raise questions, suggestions and experiences while promoting the multicultural profile of our school in our community. Attendance was excellent, even though most of our parents’ work shifts are draconian, this makes their support even more valuable to us. The feedback was overwhelmingly positive, and they did show their appreciation for the school reaching out to them and keeping them informed.
Finally, the celebration of student achievements through certificates was warmly received by parents and carers.
Thank you to our wonderful EAL staff Ms Fernandez and Mr Almeida who work tirelessly for our EAL students and parents and ran the event on the night with the help of Mr Fernandez. Thanks also to Ms Bax, Mr Paish and Mr Harum for their support and to our student helpers Alejandro Y8 Victoria Y9 and Eddy Y9 for helping to make this such a successful event.

Y10 students gained an insight into working at a global law firm. They learned about training to be a lawyer and other roles in the business services team.
Students were intrigued to find out, for example, that there are roles dedicated to designing presentations or that you do not need a Law degree to become a qualified solicitor but need excellent LORIC skills and have to complete 4 seats (or working within 4 departments and have the opportunity to work abroad) during their training contract.
Myths were dispelled – yes, we confirmed that you do not have to be posh to be a lawyer!
Conversation was flowing with excellent questions from all.
Year 10s’ attitude was so positive, and they represented themselves and Deptford Green impeccably and we were delighted to receive this message from our host:
" I just wanted to repeat what I said after my presentation. I thought the students today were great and had some really good, intelligent and well considered, questions. They were without a doubt one of the most engaged groups we’ve had recently – their school should be really proud of them. " Clifford Chance Team
“It was interesting to see how dedicated the trainee solicitors were and to learn that sometimes they have to stay till 3 am just to close a deal! In addition, I learnt how the firm provides the team everything possible, so they are able to fully focus on their job e.g. the hairdressers, the swimming pool, gym and the dry cleaners in the office.
Throughout the carousel, we had the chance to not only learn about the daily routine of the firm but also about their own personal stories and gained knowledge about the fact that you don't have to go through the most direct route to get to work in a law firm. For example, one of the lawyers there has studied Chemistry, Biology, and Maths at A-level and one of the trainees has dropped out of college but through her work experiences and transferable skills she learnt, she managed to get back on track . Thank you for such an opportunity!” Y10 Student


We are committed to offering a variety of enrichment experiences to all our students and are delighted that all our Year 7 students are visiting the creek for a low tide walk. Two Year 7 groups have now participated, and more visits are planned throughout May and June.
Facilitators from Creekside took students on a learning journey through History, Art, Geography, Science and English and students commented that "It was great being out of the classroom, like all of our subjects had been squashed into one and we could see how they connect".

Mr Fernandez enjoyed discovering the creek with his class and we are looking forward to reading their Haikus about their experience in the river and our connections to the environment.

Outdoor learning develops social kills, confidence and communication and encourages curiosity for our environment and we also brainstormed how Year 7 future careers could have an impact on our environment and solve big issues through Art and STEM.

In June, a selected group of Year 7 students will go back to Creekside to work with filmmakers and create their own mini documentary.
Thank you to Creekside and Clifford Chance for facilitating and funding the project.
If you have any questions or your child wishes to take part in the film day, contact Ms Nembhard Careers and Enrichment Lead, at cnembhard@deptfordgreen.co.uk or call her on 0208 469 4896


"It's time for Amir to pick a new soundtrack for the next stage of his life. Things at home are unravelling, coming undone at the seams. His life, once a smooth symphony is now a screech of white noise – can Amir catch the beat or will he Overload?"
Overload is a brand-new piece of forum theatre, created by young people aged 18 -25 as part of London Bubble’s Young Theatre Makers Programme. Overload explores themes of healthy relationships, financial worry, caring for family and mental health.
Students were also afforded the opportunity to be a part of the action and act alongside professionals.
Thank you so much London Bubble!! See you again soon!"

Thank you Mr Heelbeck.


On Tuesday April 20th the London Secondary Debate Mate Cup Final took place at Imperial College
Our Y7s took on 3 groups throughout the day, winning 2 and losing out to a Y10 team. What a competition! Well done team!
They were Efeosa, Joshua, Orson, Anna, Hepzibah and Ashlee. Simply the Best! (and looking like they are straight off the cover of a 70's album!)

Our first 'Spelling Green' competition took place on Tuesday 25th of April in the Library after school.
Two Y7 groups signed up to participate and our Y11 captains hosted the show. And what a show it was!
Team 1: Anna, Joshua, Efeosa, Amon

Team 2: Xavier, Olive, Hephzibah, Merlina, Franklyn Junior

Both teams battled to pass each stage. There were five stages and a bonus stage. There were rewards for each stage for example:
Stage 1, 5 communication LORICS
Stage 2, 5 communication LORICS + 5 raffle tickets
Stage 3, 10 communication LORICS + 10 raffle tickets
Stage 4, 10 communication LORICS + 15 raffle tickets
Stage 5, 20 communication LORICS + 20 raffle tickets
Bonus stage 40 communication LORICs + 40 raffle tickets + £5 Nando’s voucher
Words were being spelt left and right and centre! Both teams battled with enthusiasm and applauded the opposition throughout. Technical words were spelt such as:
Cardiovascular endurance, Correlation, Rhythm, Sustainability, Cylinder, Muffuletta, Tessellate, Aesthetics, Deindustrialisation, Phantasmagoric, Rubricate, Tenacious.
Both teams reached stage 4 and continued to battle.
At this point, the rules changed. Any team member who misspelt a word would be out of the competition however, the team would continue until the last person standing. The surviving team members who passed stage 4 were Franklyn and Amon.
They both went head to head in a sudden death round. Our school captains were amazed at their performances. Both Amon and Franklyn were fully focused and neither wanted to lose. But hey! At this point, no one was the loser. Both managed to achieve higher than was expected. Both Amon and Franklyn should be VERY proud of themselves - as we all are of them - and a massive WELL DONE TO ALL.
The victor was Amon. He won the first Spelling Green Competition.
Well done to Franklyn who carried team 2 to stage 4. He was amazing!

Thank you Mr Ramsay.


Our school is now affiliated with Jack Petchey. 6 of our high achievers will be rewarded with a Jack Petchey grant to spend on a school resource. Very exciting! Watch this space!

We have secured a finalist to take part in the regional finals. The process started when 30 Y10 students took part back in the Autumn Term in a workshop preparing their public speaking skills.
All participants were invited to take on the next challenge. This was to present their prepared speech in front of the Y7, Y10 and Y11 assemblies. Our school captains judged their performances. The participant with the highest score would represent Deptford Green at the regional finals at Prendergast School on the 4th May. 5 Y10 students showed their resilience and confidence by opting to take part in this challenge.
Well done to Zena, Ashley, Dontae, Esther and Julia. All were EXCELLENT and our audience was treated to some fine oracy written and delivered by our participants.
A massive well done to Julia who achieved the judge’s highest score and will represent our school in the regional finals. Esther missed out by just 2 points! However, she will also prepare for the regional finals as our reserve.
Thank you Mr Ramsay for all the amazing things you do for our students!


Our students continue to demonstrate their sporting prowess at various fixtures across the borough. Well done to all for your passion and enthusiasm. We are proud of you! To read all about DG sporting achievements, click HERE

A BIG thank you to all the staff and supporters that attended the final of the Blackheath Cup Final. Our Year 11 team won! Fantastic!
Please click on the link HERE and join me in congratulating them when you see them. I know Mr Couzins would be proud!!
Mr Walker

Y9 played brilliantly in a friendly against Haberdashers, supporting each other as a team and showing our GREAT values.
Thank you Ms Calvert.


We invited some of our autistic students to share their experiences at school. We then asked the wider school community to offer some ideas and solutions to help us make Deptford Green a comfortable and happy place for all our students and staff. Here are some of the ideas:
No whistles in the building
Early lunch passes to avoid the crush
A room where you can go if you get stressed and need some quiet
We could have friendly clubs and activities
A safe quiet place to eat your lunch
Include more autistic authors and characters in the library and English curriculum
More ear defenders or noise blockers
Treat everyone with respect
Be understanding
I think we could teach people more about autism so that they understand it more
We also had a badge design competition for students and staff to wear at school to indicate that they:
Have sensitivities to noise and crowded places
Might need quiet safe places during the day
Might need a bit more time to process information.
The joint winners are:
Tryphaena 7DA & Sofia 8FO
Both will receive a £10 Amazon voucher. Santi in Yr11 will also receive an Amazon voucher for a beautiful design. Congratulations all of you - go collect your prizes from the SEND office!
Check out some of the Autism themed books we do have in the library!

Please read this amazing poem by Oscar in Y7 on what it's like having autism:

Autism is sometimes hard for me
And sometimes people don’t see
See my problems see my dream
I just want to be in your team
So, I am autistic that is who I am
I am not just some scam
I don’t like when people stare at me
Like I'm some ash tree
They look me up and down
And sometimes give me a frown
But I'm still here
I don’t bite so don't fear
I like my quiet space
In the resource base
And I do have some friends
To be with me to the very end
So, I am autistic that is who I am
I am not just some scam
Thank you so much Oscar - this is brilliant!



Well done to all our students - Ms Forrest.

Selected Y7's & y8's took part in the Maths Challenge this week. Watch this space to find out how they got on!
Thank you Mr George.

If your child attends a school supported by Place2Be, you can access free resources and services as part of our mental health support for the whole school.

Place2Be is an AMAZING service that we are lucky to have in our school.
Check out all these resources that you can access. Click HERE