Our facilitators worked with several students from Deptford Green School. We visited Second Wave Voice Out on Thursday 23rd of March. Our students did not know what to expect. Mr Ramsay had promoted it that it would be about spoken words and would enhance our students skills in public speaking. Actually, they got more out of it than just that; they got a package of skills that encompassed how to use your voice, when to use your voice and what tone you should use when speaking publicly.

The icebreakers were dynamic and every student got involved. They invested more of their time and energy than they had initially predicted! The 'Fruit Bowl' was a winning icebreaker. Students were running seeking an empty chair to sit on. The person left standing had to call either one of three fruits (that was assigned to them earlier) or 'FRUIT BOWL!' This announcement triggers every participant to leave their seat and seek another available seat excluding the one directly next to them. Woosh! That was the sound of all students seeking another seat fast... There was lots of fun had here!

The facilitators got down to business and taught harmonies and lyrical writing skills. Students were heavily engaged and well-prepared due to the engaging icebreakers and well thought through starter activities.
Well done to those who attended the Second Wave Voice Out workshop. These were:
Y10's - Dontae, Jaime Leigh, Esther, Samuel, Ashley & Zena
Y9's - Maddyson, Kiyah, Neriah, Brihanne & Eathan
Y8's - Jamal & Lenny
Y7's - Orson, Anna, Ashlee, Hephzibah, Zuka, Efeosa, Joshua & Amon

SCIENCE WEEK at Deptford Green literally went with a bang, pop and an occasional fizz! Our fantastic Science Technicians Tanya and Margaret are to be thanked for this. Their amazing lunchtime science shows truly got all the students curious to learn about the science behind the experiments. Thank you to both of them for giving up their lunchtimes to get our students excited about science and thank you to all the science teachers and members of staff who supported us to make sure this could be done safely and in an engaging and fun way.
At KS3, each class worked together to build models using only the most basic of recycled resources plus their fantastic imaginations and creativity.
Year 9 – the theme was TRANSPORTATION (Physics). Each class was tasked with building a model showing at least 5 different forms of transportation and were encouraged to think about how we could make this cleaner and greener. The winners for this task were 9X1 - congratulations to them. We just could not ignore their working lift built through Mavea’s knowledge of physics and using pulleys. 9Y1 came a close second; we loved their horse so much! Well done to all students who participated for their amazing models.

Year 8 had the theme of CYCLES AND RECYCLING. They needed to build models of three natural cycles (water, carbon, and nitrogen) and also had to build their own recycling plant! Again all classes excelled at this task and our winners were 8X1 and 8Y2. The students really got to grips with what was potentially, a very difficult task to model but they really got to know how the cycles in nature ensure that we are constantly reusing our natural resources. However, the fact we are drinking the same water as dinosaurs once did, took a while to come to terms with!

Year 7 had the theme of BIOMES and needed to build one biome showing several different ecosystems within that biome. For their first year completing science week at Deptford Green, they shone brightly with their team skills, organisation, and dedication. Our winners for this year group were 7Y1, followed by 7X2 and 7Y2 respectively. We had rainforests, tundra, savannah and many more, all well represented with the correct species inhabiting their own niches in the correct ecosystems, all made from basic throw away materials and amazing imaginations.

Thank you Ms Manning and all the Science Team involved

Our school were the hosts for the Lewisham Schools Climate Crisis Conference on Tuesday 28th March. Some local secondary schools including Addey & Stanhope, Prendergast Vale and Drumbeat also joined us.
Councillor Krupski led the welcome address and thanked students for their actions in their local environment. Students participated in a poetry workshop; wrote postcards imagining they were in the year 2033 describing the park land of the future in their local area. They also looked at maps of their local parks and highlighted the issues faced there and came up with solutions to make park spaces more enjoyable and sustainable for all.
To finish off the day, students and adults participated in a drama workshop led by Lewisham Youth Theatre to explore climate anxieties. The students were inspirational and thankfully the parks are in safe hands! Well done to everyone who took part.

Thank you Ms Player for all your hard work on this project and to the committed students who have worked alongside you.

We celebrated this wonderful day with our new Year 6 soon to be our new year 7 students who joined us on Friendship Afternoon. Here they made creative Black Out Poetry with their parents. They chose their favourite words from the pages of a book and turned them into fabulous poetry!

A table full of poems...


Here are a couple of photos for you of the skiing trip you won't have seen! Our budding photographer Esme in Y10 took these - a bit of sunbathing on the slopes and what a gorgeous view that is absolutely nothing like Deptford! Thank you Esme...

On Thursday the 23rd of March we welcomed over 130 prospective students and their families to our Friendship Afternoon.

Attendees were welcomed by a lovely performance from Y11 student Manny on the piano. The Y6's then went on to fun taster sessions where they got to know some of our excellent staff and other student ambassadors. Finally, everyone gathered in our Phoenix Hall where Y9 students Taiwo and Kenny performed a duet followed by our Headteacher Ms Thurston who provided information about the next steps and the school’s vision. Mr Walker, our KS3 Lead and Assistant Headteacher, also spoke about next steps in the Transition Process. The event was supported by over 30 Y10 student leaders who were outstanding!

Overall, the event was a huge success with students and families leaving with pieces of work and dishes of food they had cooked. They left proud of their efforts and with big smiles on their faces.

We are very excited to meet the class of 2028 at the next stage of our Transition offer.
Thank you Mr Walker

Yesterday our Y7 & Y8 girls loved combining their language and football skills in a competitive and engaging Mingalaba Languages in Football session. ¡Vamos las chicas! Thanks to Ms Calvert for organising it and helping provide a great experience around both language and football!

Steve Eadon from Mingalaba UK gave an inspiring talk to the students and Mr Sinclair was delighted to meet his hero David Dein formerly of Arsenal who promptly sent his autobiography to Ms Walker so if you are a fan of class football teams - ask Ms Walker for chance to borrow it after the holiday (if she's finished reading it!) The boys were enjoying themselves too by the smiles on their faces.


On Tuesday 28th March Ms Nembhard arranged for selected Y10's to go to the Migration Museum in Lewisham to meet Sita Brahmachari the author of this amazing book. Natalie Sirett the illustrator and Love Ssega who is a fantastic musician who is working collaboratively with them both on this project, were also there to talk us through their artistic processes.
The Y10 photography class has been working with Ms Thurston to produce some outstanding creative responses to the book and this afternoon we listened in two different workshops, about the creativity behind this Carnegie shortlisted nomination.

Whilst there we looked at a story board of one of the main characters that Natalie had made for us...

and some other pieces of 'instant' art that a student from Prendergast Vale school drew in the workshop along with some of our own students work (below) and these will all be part of an upcoming exhibition.

Here is our student Esme's fantastic work on the project...

Thank you to all our students who took part and to Ms Nembhard for arranging it. A special thanks to Laurence, Thomas and Marco who were willing to be in the photo and for engaging so well with the workshops!
The staff at the Migration Museum were wonderful and welcoming and we were grateful to have the opportunity to look around. The students were especially thrilled by the hairdressing space where lots of the girls tried to give Marco and Thomas new hairstyles. I wish I had taken a photo of that!
If you haven't been to the museum, if you get the chance, do go - it's really interesting. Here is a link to their website: Lewisham Migration Museum
If you want to read more:
Sita Brahmachari's website
Natalie Sirett's website
Love Ssega's website
An introduction to the book by Sita
Love Ssega's YouTube channel


Loredana and Michael have just got excellent results back from their Latin GCSE's. They got an A* and an A. What a fantastic start to their CGCSE's in Year 10. Well done to both of you. That's one ticked off the list!


The Y7's have now completed two thirds of their first year at Deptford Green! It’s fair to say they are extremely settled in and seem to be adjusting well to their new transition. We are currently working towards our GREAT Graduation. We're sure many of them have had conversations with you about this already.
Please continue to encourage them to complete the tasks. We are really proud of the continual progress that the Y7's are making. We hope they enjoy their well deserved break and come back ready to work hard for the last term of Y7. Happy holidays from myself and Mr Everett...


A reflection on what's been a very positive and active term. Our Y8's have been making the most of every opportunity; we have a lot of pupils that have taken on key roles in the upcoming school musical "Our House" (more details to follow next term), pupils being adventurous in what was a very successful week long ski trip, pupils giving back to the community with their incredible work for their chosen charities in the PSHE "First Give" project and GREAT engagement in our sports championship with winners to be announced in the Reward Assemblies on Friday.
I'd like to encourage all of our year group to keep taking advantage of as many opportunities as possible at Deptford Green; not only will this make them feel part of our school community but ultimately it will be these opportunities that create the memories pupils think back on long after they have graduated.
I wish everyone a restful two weeks before we come back for the final term as Y8 and best wishes also from Ms Kaseba


In addition to working hard in their classroom, Year 9 have participated in inspirational enrichment activities throughout the term including the 'STEM Young Women's Careers in Aviation' - click HERE for further information - and the 'Mingalaba Language Careers in Football' event you can read about in this edition.
Pupils on the aviation trip were tasked with a sustainability group project that they will be presenting after the holiday. They were inspired by the presenters and topics covered on the trip and have since been working on their presentations. None other than David Dein, former chairman of Arsenal Football Club, was present to support the languages in the football session. Participating Y9's spoke of how useful the sessions were in helping them on their career path.
I wish you all a happy holiday - Mr Aniagwu and best wishes also from Mr Sinclair.


Y10 have been busy this term taking part in the Employability Day where they demonstrated excellent communication skills and received great feedback from employers. A massive shoutout to Dontae, Esther, Zena and Julia for taking part in the Jack Petchey Speak Out Challenge and performing in assemblies across year groups. Several students attended the International Women’s Day celebrations at the Civic Centre. Toky received the highest number of votes of all our Young Mayor candidates and is now representing the London Borough of Lewisham on the Youth Assembly. Well done Toky!
Next term we are looking forward to seeing Y10 go off on work experience and learn lots about the world of work.
Have a great Easter break. Ms Williams and best wishes from Ms Samms


Year 11’s have a had a great term completing their last round of PPE’s before their actual GCSE exams in May.
Their efforts, routines and behaviour has been outstanding. As a year group, Y11 celebrated their effort last Thursday with a breakfast provided by the school. As their five years really start to come to an end, all students have really upped their game and have shown a great focus in lessons. The Y11 prom has also been booked and is on the 29th of June. THE PROM CAN NOW BE PAID FOR VIA PARENTPAY. We look forward to celebrating a fantastic exam period and to celebrate a successful end to five years at Deptford Green School.
I hope you all have a great Easter break. Mr Conway and Ms Samms

There have been all sorts of interesting things happening at school this week to raise awareness of autism at DG and there will be more detail in the next edition but PLEASE watch this video which is a wonderfully honest take on what it is like to be Autistic from our amazing Y7 student Sidney. It is beautiful and very insightful and we give a heartfelt thank you to Ms Gilchrist's daughter for animating it for us.
Well done Sidney; you should be VERY proud! Please click HERE to watch the video.

Students were encouraged to put up their ideas on sticky notes of what they thought would make our school more Autism friendly.


The ethos underpinning the study of Business at Deptford Green is that learners are not only academically informed of business concepts but are also able to put into practice the skills learnt. Led by the inspirational Arlo (Y10), DG students have created assets in the form of scented candles, and have sold these to the public making profit in the process. On Wednesday 22nd March they were in Greenwich Market with Ms Nembhard selling these candles as part of the Young Enterprise Challenge. They were the youngest group at this event, winning a lot of admiration and praise for their efforts.


Our Y7 debaters were fortunate to have Dale as their mentor last week. Dale works with Debate Mate and is a respected top-ranked facilitator. He rarely visits schools to mentor debaters as he is a judge and promoter of the debating championships. However, our assigned mentor was unable to make it so we were fortunate to have Dale.
The first thing Dale asked me was, 'What do they need to improve'?
I explained the details based on the feedback provided by the Debate Mate judge at the St Matthew's Academy battle. Dale then asked our debaters the same question. 'CONTENT! STRUCTURE!' our debaters shouted.
Dale got to work. He reminded everyone how to start their argument by rebutting their opponent. This is a structure that shows that the debater listened and counters the opposition’s opinion before moving on to their own facts and opinions.
The energy amongst our year 7 debaters is always at its highest. This is what makes their debating style very unique. Dale applauded their style of delivery, something that was also mentioned by the judge at St Matthew's Academy.
What an excellent lesson our debaters learnt during the session with Dale. What a fantastic opportunity to have someone who is literally a fly on the wall when it comes to the setup of The Urban Debate League. Well done Y7 debaters!
Mr Ramsay

Thank you to Michelle Moore for a GREAT session for the DG Real Wins Mentoring group last week. The students loved discussing the importance of resilience and having a winning mindset and Michelle is showing them the way from her own experience.

Click HERE for more information


Our students continue to demonstrate their sporting prowess at various fixtures across the borough. Well done to all for your passion and enthusiasm. We are proud of you! To read all about DG sporting achievements, click HERE

Please help to support AFRIL by donating the items as listed in the poster. Please send your donations to Ms Joauvel’s room with your child. Thank you to the Y8 students who made this fantastic poster!


•From demand reduction to the stability of the grid; how can AI support the energy transition?
•Who bears more responsibility for climate change: The developed world or the developing world?

Hot tips from the Library…checkout the links below for some good websites for reliable research.
1)Make sure that you note down your source every time you use a bit of information (unless it is the sort of thing which is commonly known…you don’t need to quote a source to prove that Rishi Sunak is the Prime Minister for example).
2)If you use abbreviations you should spell them out first time round, with the abbreviation in brackets. For example Post-traumatic stress disorder (PDST). Then you can just use the abbreviation for the rest of your essay and save yourself some words.
3)It is often easier to just write, then edit it down, rather than trying to get it perfect first time.
4)Read it aloud to yourself – much easier to spot your own mistakes that way.
5)Don’t think that all your sentences have to be long – sometimes shorter sentences have more impact.
6)Signpost your readers – try to indicate the direction your argument is moving in.
Loads of information on referencing – work through and then try the short quiz
Another useful source for you to look at – you can make yourself a free account
Useful sources for research – try to narrow down your search terms.
The Conversation is an independent source of news and views, sourced from the academic and research community and delivered direct to the public. Their team of professional editors work with university and research institute experts to unlock their knowledge for use by the wider public. Access to independent, high quality, authenticated, explanatory journalism underpins a functioning democracy. Their aim is to allow for better understanding of current affairs and complex issues and hopefully allow for a better quality of public discourse and conversations.
•Write an essay of approx.1000 words
•Research into the topic areas
•Include a bibliography
•Include your own opinion, backed up by your research. Do not copy and paste.
•Everyone in Year 10 invited to enter – Good Luck!
•Deadline Friday 28th April 2023
•Email a word document. Clearly put ESSAY COMPETITION with your full name and essay title in the subject box
•Results and prize-giving in June date tbc
•1st prize £50 voucher* Waterstones
•Highly Commended x 2 £25 voucher* Waterstones
+ St Catherine’s College/Oxford goodie bags

- World Economic Forum: This is how AI will accelerate the energy transition - click HERE
- Bloomberg: How Artificial Intelligence Is Fueling the Energy Transition - click HERE
- Harvard University SITN: How Artificial Intelligence Will Revolutionize the Energy Industry - click HERE

Have you been GREAT this term or last term? #BEGREAT and record one of you experiences on Xello
We challenge all students to upload at least one experience to their Xello portfolio! • Have you attended an after-school club or other enrichment activity this term? • Maybe you made a delicious risotto in cooking club? • Did you design an amazingly elegant and sophisticated dress out of recycled newspapers in Junk Kouture club? • You learned to ski? You have attended a Drama club out of school or auditioned for our school’s production? You completed or joined the Envision Programme? • Are you proud of your team’s victory after a tough Football game against another school? • You visited a gallery or another workplace? You applied to a university summer school? Maybe you built the most amazing model during science week? • Whatever you’ve accomplished this term, get involved. We want to see the incredible variety of interests and achievements of all Deptford Green students and we can’t wait! • Don’t be shy, BE GREAT AND BE PROUD!
•Evidence of what you have done should be uploaded to your portfolio. It could be a picture, a photo, a certificate, a video, a link to a website or a paragraph you have written about your experience. Your choice but we need to see clearly what you have got involved in. •A reflection (a sentence) on: -one thing you enjoyed, -one thing you learned and -one thing you found challenging. Link it to LORIC Skills and our GREAT values. • Deadline is end of term – 3RD APRIL- and all entries will be entered in a prize draw (shopping voucher). • We can’t wait to see you starting to build your PORTFOLIO
All students have a Xello account. TO ACCESS FROM SCHOOL: Just click on the Xello icon when you log into a laptop at school
To access Xello from home: You can also access Xello from home on a laptop , phone or tablet. No need to have a password, just follow the instructions on the NEWSLETTER slides - Click HERE
The video shows you how to use your Xello Portfolio

#begreat- Get Involved
Spotlight on Second Wave

Looking for free local activities to get involved in? Want to explore your interests and skills? Want to try something new, express yourself and be creative? Check Out Second Wave at 1 Creek Road Deptford SE8 3BT
Pop round after school Tuesdays to Thursdays or Saturday mornings and say Hi or sign up for their:
Taster Workshops on Saturdays. Explore acting, singing, and performing. Open to all young people 11-18 years. Click HERE
YOUNG WOMEN CHANGEMAKERS. FREE half-term short courses at Wave for 15 to 24 yrs. Like writing, film & journalism? Develop skills, have fun. All young women welcome. No experience required- 30 May & Thurs 1 June. Text 07943201307

We love catching up with Deptford Green alumni and seeing how they continue to flourish and succeed.
This week, we were talking to Ketsia- Class of 2016.
After leaving Deptford Green, Ketsia was offered a full scholarship at Blackheath High for her A Levels, followed by a scholarship at Goldsmiths University where she completed a BA in Politics and International Relations and a Masters in International Relations.
Ketsia also worked as an Administrator during her degrees and was selected for the Early Diversity Internship at the Home Office which exposed her to a career in the Civil Service.
At Deptford Green, Ketsia was fully involved in Enrichment and Careers activities to develop her skills and explored her interests, from interviewing actors on the Red Carpet in Film Club to being interviewed herself on the news at a careers event with inspirational women, Ketsia was always focused on growth.
Ketsia, thank you for taking the time to talk to us. We are proud of your resilience and your achievements.

If you attended Deptford Green and you are not yet on a poster in your old school, what are you waiting for?
Get in touch, we’d love to catch up!


As soon as we heard that the Lewisham foodbank was low on stock, our school community stepped up to help.

Pictured above are Abby Heiser and Dave Ticknell - Smith who both work hard for our school community. They kindly took our donations across to the foodbank to deliver what we had collected for them and the Foodbank were delighted! They said:
'Another incredibly generous donation has just come in from DeptfordGreen School. Massive thanks to pupils, parents and staff for your contributions of 137 kg of food and essentials. Enjoy your Easter break!'
Thank you so much to all our incredible students, their families and our staff for the huge generosity they showed. Together everyone donated 3 trollies worth of food - that's 25 shopping bags and that was just in 2 days!
If you are interested in donating food to the foodbank who are trying to meet a desperate need in our community, please click HERE for more information on how to do so.
The list below contains the most urgent items needed, but the ones especially required have asterisks by them:
Thank you!


Check out what is on through Youth First in Lewisham. Click HERE

Click HERE to find out what's going on in Greenwich... why not step aboard The Cutty Sark?
Click HERE for more Easter activities around London
46 things to do on Easter weekend 2023 in London from Visit London. Click HERE
Why not visit the Horniman Museum? Click HERE for more information

FROM PARENT ENGage Lewisham:
This is from Parent ENGage who incidentally, now have 2 of our parents working for them as paid Workshop Facilitators so do get in touch with them if you want to find out more about them and do join with them as they hold the Resilience Workshop mentioned above in the library at school on Friday 1st April at 9.30-11.30am.
To book tickets, see above.
Nicky has kindly listed some ideas for holiday activities over the Easter holiday, that will not cost a fortune: -
- There are 6 youth clubs - click HERE - in Lewisham and plenty of parks - click HERE and green spaces in the borough; -
- There’s plenty to do at Crystal Palace Park too - click HERE – stone dinosaurs, maze, skate park; -
- Mud Chute Farm click HERE – catch the DLR from Lewisham to Mud Chute or Island Gardens; -
- On 7th April, a free performance in Trafalgar Square, the Passion of Jesus; Click HERE
- Make a day of it, watching Changing of the Guard at Buckingham Palace on certain days - click HERE - then watch the pelicans being fed at St James Park, between 2:30 – 3pm; Click HERE
- Have family fun at the Migration Museum in Lewisham Shopping Centre on 14th April;click HERE
- Travel by DLR to Thames Barrier Park, which has lovely gardens, playground and a café. Click HERE
Thank you Nicky!

Please remember that we have Place2Be in our school. They are a fantastic service and we are lucky to have them. Click HERE to see a video about what they do.