Well done to Isabel (Y9), Lucia, Hibaaq, Julia, Ella, Arturs, Michael, Felix in this photo (and J'Adore & Toky - all Y10 - who unfortunately, were not available to photograph).
A huge well done to our students in their engagement with the process of this year's Young Mayor applications. They will need to attend a session on either Saturday 3rd December OR Saturday 7th January 2023 at Lewisham Local. Lewisham Local is a community centre on Lewisham High street. (Unit C, Place/Ladywell, 261 Lewisham High St, London SE13 6NJ). The session will be 10am-4pm and in this session students will find out more about the campaign and get their official candidate photos taken.
We've had a large number of students complete their applications and we've sent them off so they can all take part in the Young Mayor voting stage of the election. We're extremely proud of all of our applicants who have managed to collect 50 signatures each from peers both in our school and outside of it. Going forward we are hopeful that our candidates will be successful. It is an election for young people who live or go to school in Lewisham aged 13 or over with the Young Mayor being given a budget to tackle issues within the local community. We have at least 10 Y9 and Y10 students (that we know of) that have applied in school; there may be some more that we are unaware of but watch this space to see how they do. It is a big role to take on but they have already proven themselves resourceful getting their signatures together and writing their individual statements of what they would like to do if chosen. Congratulations to all of them for their efforts so far.

Y10 students refreshed their geography skills in their Spanish lesson, labelling all the Spanish-speaking countries in South America. #hispanohablante #español #geography
Mia, Hubert, Uma, Jabiel, Juan and Alex

Y7 languages students created posters using a variety of materials to show what they have been learning so far. #creative #spanish
Well done to Tobi, Zain, Rhia, Isaiah, Martha, Huxley, Charlie, Noeme, Brooke, Anna, Tabitha, Zofia, Tegan, Carlos

Students in gaming club loved playing Super Mario on our vintage Nintendo system. #throwbackthursday #gaming
Juliette Y9, Igor Y9, Ruwaida Y9, Taylor Y9, Junior Y11

Mr Aniagwu asked Y9 to share and celebrate the diversity we have at DG - 9CA are so lucky to have a diverse cultural make-up! #diversity #year9 #dg

Mr Jones took some photos in his year 7 drama class where they were looking at slow motion and physical control. Looks like they were having a lot of fun that's for sure!

Y10 Art workshop with Local Artist Steve Burden

Year 10 artists have been doing a project under the theme of 'Structures' to kickstart their GCSE coursework. They have been exploring structures in architecture, science, society etc. They are currently looking into the gentrification of Deptford, so we invited artist Steve Burden who grew up on the Pepys Road estate in for a workshop.
Burden creates exciting paintings that explore themes of gentrification, working class culture and housing estates. They spent the day experimenting with acrylic and palette knives over photographs to create stunning artwork exploring the built environment and their own identities. It was an incredible opportunity for students to meet an artist who has grown up in Deptford and the outcomes will be a valuable addition to their GCSE coursework!
Take a look at their work and more by this wonderful and talented artist. Click HERE


At Deptford Green School we recognise the link between effort and strong outcomes. We know that if our students are trying their very best in all lessons at all times, they will make strong personal and academic progress. We also value student voice, through meetings with students we decided to create a ‘1’ club; this is a club for students who achieved a ‘1’ grade for effort across all subjects. We all agreed that these students deserved special privileges.

This term we have over 50 of these students across all 5 year groups. They were rewarded with a certificate, a badge, a lunch queue jump every day, a special lunch and our year 10 students get the opportunity to leave the school site to go out at lunchtime once a week.


The under 13 girls played their first fixture yesterday away against Thomas Tallis yesterday. Eliza scored twice in a great game where the score doesn’t really reflect how close it actually was. Although they lost 7-2 they demonstrated resilience, togetherness and great leadership skills. We could not be more proud of them!
Our boys also played against Thomas Tallis.

We couldn’t be prouder of Abdulahi in year 11 who after years and years of hard work and training has been offered a two year YTS at @millwallfc


Take a look at all the wonderful work Ms Player and the Park Life Project team are doing click HERE


Our 4 Week online bookclub ended tonight with a virtual visit from the author. We have been reading One of Us is Lying by Karen M McManus. Sadly a few of our students weren't here for the photo tonight but thank you to: Arturs (Y10) Harley (Y7) Zena (Y10) and Ella (Y10) - pictured. Also Martha (Y7) and Esme & Loredana (Y10) who were unavailable for the photo. This is an amazing book full of twists and turns and Karen has recently brought out 'Nothing More To Tell which is my book of the week!
Well done to the amazing students who stay after school and take part in all the extracurricular activities we put on for them at the end of a busy school day!

Ms Player with her book of the week - Bitter by Akwaeke Emzi. From the critically acclaimed author of Pet and The Death of Vivek Oji, Bitter, takes a timely and provocative look at the power of youth, protest and art. Ms Player says: "Bitter is the kind of book I wish been around when I was growing up... This book by Akwaeke Emezi explores the power of youth, protest and art. You should read it if you have ever thought about fighting for a version of the world you would want to live in."

Students have been sent our new READING NEWS to their school emails and on Classcharts. Getting our students to love reading is a huge challenge but we know that once they get into reading, the impact it has on their learning, their vocabulary and their mental health to name but a few, is HUGE and so positive. Please encourage your child/children to get reading if you can. We are SO PROUD of those who do read and for their regular attendance in our library and to Ms Player's 401 Library