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Mental Health @ DG

At Deptford Green school, we are committed to supporting the mental health and wellbeing of our students and staff. Our culture is supportive, caring, and respectful. We encourage students to be open and we want each student to have their voice heard. We know that everyone experiences different life challenges, and that each of us may need help to cope with them sometimes. At Deptford Green School, we understand that positive mental health is everybody’s responsibility. We all have a role to play.

These are really the most unusual times for all of us. Even those who usually take life in their stride are feeling anxious and uncertain; the pressures that result from worries about health and livelihoods, coupled with isolation from friends and family, and in the absence of the routines that usually sustain us, mean that life at the moment is tough.

This can take its toll on our mental health and well-being, and our young people are not immune to this. In fact, research suggests that teenagers are carrying even greater emotional burdens than they do already and we know that our young people are facing a range of mental health challenges: extended isolation from peers and friends is contributing to raised levels of anxiety and lower mood as young people spend time away from the routines of school life and many are worried about the health and wellbeing of those they care about.

We take supporting student mental wellbeing seriously. This is why, since the start of January, we have ensured all students have access to weekly tutor time sessions and we have provided students who need it with extra pastoral interventions. We have also increased our mental health provision and have more trained counsellors from Place2Be and the Mental Health Support Team working with our school than ever before.

The below website (developed with the NHS) is called 'This May Help'. It offers advice for parents and carers around children's mental health. There are videos and downloadable factsheets available on this site.

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If you would like to learn about our partner, Place2Be, who are based in our building and provide mental health support to our students, please click on the link on the right-hand side.

Additionally, whether you are a pupil, parent or carer, we are here for you should you require any assistance. Please do not hesitate to email us if you need support.

Ms Stanghon – Deputy Headteacher, Designated Safeguarding Lead and Mental Health Lead;

Ms Cameron- Head of Inclusion and Mental Health Lead;

Useful Websites if Your Child Needs Additional Support




DfE guidance- 



Papyrus (prevention of young suicide) - 

Lewisham mental health support services -