KS4 Pathways
Our 2-year Key Stage 4 curriculum is designed to maximise achievement for students so that they can progress to further study and work. The school has designed pathways for its students at Key Stage 4 (Years 10 and 11). The pathways are decided based on students’ prior attainment in their subjects from when they started at the school. At the end of Year 9, we work with parents/carers to enable pupils to make appropriate course choices. We ensure students take courses that are suitable for them and give them the best possible chance of success. All students in KS4 study a core of required subjects.
These include:
- English Language GCSE
- English Literature GCSE
- Maths GCSE
- Science GCSE
- Core PE
Additional support and guidance are given to students who have additional needs from the Inclusion Faculty.
Further information can be found in the pathway booklets.