Despite the rain and unseasonably cold weather, the students in the DG community have continued to shine as we come to the end of one of the most positive half-terms I have experienced since starting as Headteacher here three years ago.
This term has been a roaring success for many reasons. The launch of the new Tutor Curriculum alongside DG News, the weekly student newsletter which includes many shout-outs and the sharing of success and academic progress, has been very well received by all.
Students are now learning revision skills much earlier to prepare them for upcoming assessments. Y11’s may not be able to rest as much during half-term as the other year groups, as their PPE’s begin this week with the Speaking exams and the full timetable of formal exams in the hall commencing November 4th. It is vital that they dedicate time to revising and preparing for these exams in order to ensure they are fully on track. We wish them all good luck in advance!
Thanks again to Mr Stamp for leading the Duke of Edinburgh once more and giving up his weekend to support our students who had a wonderful time hiking from Rochester to Ashford. This has been just one of the many diverse enrichment opportunities students have experienced this term. I have yet to hear how the trip to Abba Voyage went but see below. I have been really excited to see so many Arts-based trips taking place this term.
Student voice remains a key aspect of day to day life here at DG and the student council has increased its numbers with many new faces from Y7 in attendance. Well done to the School Captains who have been leading the council impressively well so far. I look forward to sharing with you key actions which we will implement as a direct outcome of these sessions.
I am very much looking forward to the Cultural Evening and Showcase Event on Wednesday this week. I know the Cultural Catwalk will be the highlight of the night and I hope to see many of you there.
Have a wonderful week and a restful and safe half-term break.
Best wishes,
Emma Thurston
MONDAY 14th October - Y11 MFL PPE's commence
TUESDAY 15th October - School Council Breakfast Meeting 8.20am in Rm 121
Cultural Evening 6pm - all welcome with Portrait Competition on display
FRIDAY 18th October - End of Half-Term - Full Uniform with Red accessories for Show Racism the Red Card (see below)
MONDAY 21st October - FRIDAY 25th October - Netherlands Trip
MONDAY 4th November - Autumn Half-Term Starts
Y11 PPE's begin
Green Careers Week
TUESDAY 5th November - Debate Mate with Mr Ramsay from 1.20pm
THURSDAY 7th November - Turning of the Year @ Blackheath Halls 12pm with The Mr Heelbeck & Ms Green
FRIDAY 8th November - Mean Girls Theatre Trip 1.30-6.30pm
Click HERE to see our AMAZING X account that truly gives you a broad perspective of things going on all across our school!
PLEASE NOTE: If you don't have an 'X' account, you may not be able to access our latest posts. You have to sign up to X to see our latest content.
Thank you Ms Heiser for all your hard work on this!
Thank you to Iqra who is in Y10
FROM WEAR RED DAY ORGANISATION: 2024 is the 10th Anniversary of Wear Red Day. A landmark that we are incredibly proud of. Our first celebration in 2014 saw 7,000 people registering to take part. In 2023, that figure had exploded to become 615,000 participants celebrating with us.? We couldn’t be more grateful to our supporters.?
For 2024, we’ve set ourselves a target and with your help, we think that we can achieve it.? Will you celebrate with us and be one of the 1 million??
As a supporter, you are showing your true, brave colours. As part of the team, you make us stronger.? Every heart and every mind that we change changes at least one life but has the capacity to change hundreds, if not thousands of others.?
Be a proud anti-racist. Be the difference. Join us.? WEAR RED @ SCHOOL THIS FRIDAY!
On FRIDAY 18TH OCTOBER we are having our 'Wear Red Day' (Show Racism the Red Card). STUDENTS WILL BE EXPECTED TO COME IN NORMAL UNIFORM but you can accessorise with something red (head band/ribbon) or wear a red t-shirt under their blazer.?
You can donate £1 via Parent Pay if you wear something red. Look for 'Show Racism the Red Card Fundraising' on Parent Pay OR Pay £1 into the buckets at the gate.
This October, in celebration of BLACK HISTORY MONTH, we invite students and their parents and carers to the “CHANGING THE NARRATIVE" Career Talks hosted by With Insight on October 22nd and October 29th from 18:00 till 19:00 online.
These are inspiring online sessions led by black-heritage professionals from a range of industries who will share their career journeys, insights, and the lessons they’ve learnt along the way. The links to sign up and join are below.
These interactive talks are a fantastic opportunity for students and their families to explore different career paths, learn how to break into various industries, and ask any questions they have directly to those who have been there. Anyone interested can sign up using thelinks in the table.
We hope you find the sessions valuable and enjoyable.
Ashely Daud - Data and Assurance Quality Classifier - Medicines and Health Regulatory Agency - Click HERE - OCTOBER 22nd - 6-7PM
Esther Edonkumoh - Senior Cyber Risk Consult - Bank of England - Click HERE - October 22nd - 6-7PM
Sa'fiya Coburn-Service - Trainee Clinical Psychologist - NHS - Click HERE - October 22nd - 6-7pm
Damola Akinyemi - Senior Revenue Analyst - Dojo - Click HERE - October 22nd - 6-7pm
Bernard Kambasha - Senior Solution Architect - Capgemini - Click HERE - October 29th - 6-7pm
Zoe Pierre - Investment Principal - Macquarie Asset Management - Click HERE - October 29th - 6-7pm
Ayot Bishi - Head of Graphics - Antillion - Click HERE - October 29th - 6-7pm
Diwali is the Hindu festival of lights, with variations celebrated in other Indian religions. [a] It symbolises the spiritual "victory of light over darkness, good over evil, and knowledge over ignorance“.
Diwali is a significant festival in Hinduism, Jainism and Sikhism. In a multicultural and diverse country like India, everyone has their own way of celebrating this festival. Even though their belief in it may be different, the enthusiasm, vivaciousness and joy it brings to people's lives is what binds everyone together.
Diwali is celebrated with worship, sharing sweets, fireworks and lights. While the story varies from region to region, its essence remains the same. People learn to rejoice in the inner light and the underlying reality of things.
On Thursday 10th October, the students of Deptford Green Took A Chance On Me going on a Voyage back in time to 1979! A special schools event put on by ABBA Voyage, meant students didn't need lots of Money, Money, Money to attend. Mama Mia, what a spectacle! The lights were just as mesmerising as the sound. What an experience, and what a joy to see some new Dancing Queens created in the process!
Sound like a LOT of fun! Thank you' The Mr Heelbeck' for always bringing joy...
On the 1st October Mr Butt took Y8 students out to this event. Learners were invited to a captivating arts exhibition and a two-hour workshop focused on non-religious worldviews. This was organised by RE today a nationwide organisation focused on exploring the full breadth of religious and non-religious beliefs in our world.
This was a fantastic opportunity for students to explore the rich tapestry of experiences and philosophies for those who claim to be non-believers. Students engaged with beautiful imagery and powerful films that challenge conventional beliefs and highlight inspiring stories of lives lived without faith.
Through the discussions, students were able to express their own perspectives and connect with the variety of ways people find meaning and purpose in life.
"Mr Butt, thanks so much for making the trip today. Thank you SO much for bringing the students. There were a couple of tricky things – no chairs or desks, lots of us, a tight space and a fragile exhibition, But I was SO delighted with the excellent responses your young people made. Please would you pass on my thanks to all of them. Please do share this with your Headteacher and senior leaders:
“Deptford Green students have made outstanding contributions to the research project, and the students, with great philosophical skill and wonderfully open hearts and minds, showed what great RE the school provide. They should take great credit in this!”
Lat Blaylock
Consultant National RE Adviser
Thank you Mr Butt for this report and the photos too.
The Y10 textiles group travelled to the Air Contemporary gallery in Soho to explore the exhibition 'Fishy Business' by Kate Jenkins. This exhibition was a great source of inspiration for their upcoming FEAST coursework project. The small gallery had been turned into a pop-up textile fish counter with all kinds of beautiful, colourful fish that looked good enough to eat. The textile artist hand made all of the items on display using crochet, knitting and printing techniques which also gave the students an insight into how artists can display their work in interactive ways.
Students had the following to say:
Chante 'My experience with the trip yesterday was exciting as I got to see the artist's eye-catching work.'
Ella 'I found yesterday's trip very educational, the art work on display was very enigmatic and experimental, showcasing a range of different art pieces like sea creatures made out of different textiles.
Thank you girls.
Y11 Photography GCSE Trip to Greenwich Park and The Queen's House Gallery
From Ms Austin-Burdett:
On a very wet and gloomy day we visited Greenwich Park to explore the theme of Spaces and Places.
Y11 Photography students developed their photographic skills by exploring the best camera settings for taking landscape images and then comparing light metering for inside and outside spaces.
The students also got to explore the range of artworks on display at the Queen's House and connect them to what we are currently working on.
Despite the weather it was very successful trip and all the students took a lot of GREAT photos. Looking forward to seeing how they use them to develop their ideas...
Thank you Ms Austin-Burdett. These photos are amazing! Well done to our talented students...
Learners hiked from Rochester to Ashford, travelling 35 miles by foot over 3 days. The experience was very wet and the tents were lit up several times by the thunder and lightening. One camp site was even near a lion breeding sanctuary and there were lots of roars! All learners overcame the challenges thrown at them and have now passed this part of their DofE award.
Thank you Mr Stamp for the excellent photos and for always contributing!
Y11 Build your Future Group have started back with enthusiasm! They are continuing to build their skills and experience and preparing for their next steps with college information and application prep, assessment centre and interview experience, labour market information and networking.
Benny, their coach, is immensely proud of them.
If you are in Y10 or have a child in Y10 and you are interested in taking part in the Y10 programme, get in touch.
DG Y10 & Y11 girls secured an amazing win beating Mary Magdalene 5:1 in their cup match. 4 of the 5 goals were scored by Katia who was Player of the Match! Well done girls and thanks as always to Ms Calvert & Ms Stanghon..
Ms Tran has been working hard with her Y7 class on reviews for the books they have been reading in their Library Lessons and outside school. There were loads of excellent ones sent to me but here is a small selection...
From Ms Tumkevice:
I have an incredible opportunity to volunteer in a school in Tanzania during the two-week October half-term.
Many children in Tanzania face tremendous challenges in their education and your support will help me to purchase educational supplies and contribute to community initiatives. Please use this link to make donations however small - and read more about the campaign". Thank you...
Lewisham Libraries proudly presents Imagined Worlds, a dynamic, month-long celebration of fantasy and science fiction. We will have events across the entire library network, collaborating with authors, artists, and digital practitioners to deliver immersive workshops and talks for young people exploring alternative realities and possible futures. Some collaborators include The Philosophy Foundation, INTO Games, The London Science Fiction Research Community and Sticky Fingers Publishing.
For a full listing of events and more information please click HERE
These events are specifically aimed at teens and are free to attend so it’ll be great to get students into into libraries! We’ve got INTO Games running game design workshops, a D&D weekend run by students from a nearby school and the Philosophy Society running talks aimed at young people and loads more!
Parents/Carers are you aware of this fantastic organisation out there doing so much good for our community? Just loads going on! Food Banks, volunteering opportunities and much, much more. Click HERE to find out more.
World Mental Health Day was on the 10th of October, now is a perfect time to reflect on any challenges your students face, especially with the recent changes in social media safety.
According to a recent BBC article, nearly 60% of young people have experienced negative impacts from online interactions. At Kooth, we provide a clinically safe and moderated digital space where you and your students can seek support for their mental health without fear of trolling, discrimination, or sharing personal details.
Our free webinars offer valuable insights for education professionals and parents, providing practical information and guidance on key mental health topics.
Helping young people stay safe on their new smartphone
With over a third of parents and carers feeling uneasy about their child having their first smartphone, we've put together this session to explore supporting a child's mental wellbeing whilst using the device plus information on UK law and social media usage and online safety tips.
Kooth Talks for families: Click HERE to book a place
Meeting the needs of neurodivergent and Special Education Needs & Disabilities (SEND) young people.
Children and young people waiting for an assessment or navigating a diagnosis may need additional emotional support. We’re offering a webinar this month exploring how our platform meets the needs of neurodiverse and SEND young people. Kooth Talks for Families, click HERE